So today my alarm went off and I didn't want to get I didn't. Even though I had class @ 9:00 am, I rolled over and went back to sleep until 10:30 am when Josh texted me to see if he could come over and get some of our homemade oreos. I decided it was probably time to get up. So Josh came over and he and Sarah and I talked and watched an episode of Numbers, which by the way is an awesome show. It's totally interesting but it doesn't completely suck you in where you can't stop at one episode.
I was working on a project for my specialized documents class and decided, heck...I don't wanna go to my afternoon classes, I'm gonna stay home, not shower, and make cookies. Sarah and Josh both left for class so I made better than mhhmmm cookies and watched more Numbers. Then I decided to do my taxes and holy crap...I'm getting a $989 refund!!! I was so flippin excited!! Later I watched more Numbers with Josh and worked on my project. Then Sarah and I headed to the gym for a great workout. Afterwards I finished my awful project, took Sarah to work, and took her car to go grocery shopping.
This semester I have skipped class so much!!! And the thing is, I don't even feel bad about it. I'm still going to get good grades, maybe not all A's but I am totally ok with that. I am practicing my agency as an adult. I have never really allowed myself to slack and do whatever I want to do and it's kinda fun. Not the best habit to get into, but if my rebellion is only skipping a few classes and maybe getting a few B's, I think I'm ok. This semester of school my classes have been lame, but I have had so much fun!! I have great friends and neighbors and we have a great time doing things together. Plus, I've made a lot of growth in some important areas of my life. I'm in control. I've got the power. So if I want to have a lazy day...I will!
I love mmhmmm cookies!! haha and how on $989 back!? that's crazy!! I'm jealous!!
yay!!! it sounds like you had an awesome day!!!
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