"Once an Aggie, Always an Aggie..."
Today marks the beginning of Aggie Homecoming Weekend! I'll be driving up to Logan tonight to attend the All Aggie Reception at Hamilton's. Tomorrow I'll hit the homecoming parade, pre-game party, and football game. I'm so excited to see Kim and my old co-workers again. I still miss them every day! Plus, I get to see Chadly, Shelly, and Joshua...hoorah!
I haven't been back to Logan since I moved to SLC. It'll be nice to drive through Sardine Canyon again (even though it makes my dad sick with worry). I wish Sar, Em, and Cass were here to celebrate homecoming with me, but Cass will be home in December and next year Em and Sar will be home. We'll have our own little homecoming celebration.
I am grateful I had the opportunity to attend USU. It changed my life forever. I found myself on that campus. I'll post more about the festivities after this weekend.
Go Aggies!!!
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