
Spinning out of control. So much to do I can't slow down to get a handle on what I need to do. Don't know where to start; don't know where to turn. Laundry in every corner of my room. Problem Solving, Problem Solving...ALL DAY LONG. Deadlines, meetings, class, work. Always work. Waking up late doesn't help. I'm not even operating at full capacity and its crazy. I could be doing so much more. School could be so much harder. Priorities: 1) Work, 2) Social, 3) School. It's crunch time. Only a few weeks left. Gotta push through to the end and bust out projects. 1 semester away from graduation. Kinda hard to believe. Don't know where to go from here. Planning is good but the plan can change. Can't ever seem to get ALL of these pieces working at the same time. Gotta keep moving, even if I'm spinning as I go.

1 comment:

jjfid said...

Enjoy the crazy spinning ride Rissy Roo! Take some deep breaths and find a place to think where it is peaceful. Get your list going and schedule in some naps!! It will all work out... just take one thing at a time. xoxo Love you! xoxo Auntie