He's Just Not That Into You...

Are you the exception or the rule? The real answer is that we are both. We're the rule until we become the exception. The time we become the exception is the time that matters. It's hard being the rule because it seems like we'll never have the chance to be the exception. And another problem is that we all have different dating rules. Needless to say, when things are suppose to work out, they do work out. Unfortunately, we have to go through a lot of misunderstandings, heart ache, and crap first. Sometimes we don't know what's best for us or who we're really into.

I went and saw "He's Just Not That Into You" and overall I was disappointed. The characters were not developed enough. They were all connected but superficially. And one story kinda wrecked the movie for me. One of the guys was married and he totally went after this single girl and had an affair. The girl was a total slut and didn't even care that he was married. Plus one scene was just totally not right. The main story line between Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Alex (Justin Long) was super cute though. The movie was definitely not your average chick flick, but it still isn't a movie I would see over and over. However, the main message of the movie was good. I was worried it was going to bash marriage, and say that it doesn't matter, but luckily it didn't. The main message was that dating is hard, but when you are supposed to be with someone, things will eventually work out, despite all the obstacles.

1 comment:

Kevin and Jamie said...

Im right there with you! Glad you were with us to see the movie though! LOVE YOU!