The Talented Miss Mulligan...

Vogue's November cover girl is "The Talented Miss Mulligan" a.k.a. rising young 25 year old actress Carey Mulligan.

I've only seen Carey as a leading lady in "An Education" and as a supporting actress in "Pride & Prejudice". If that's all I ever see of her I won't be satisfied and neither will the rest of the cinematic scene. I found "An Education" poignant and irresistible. She mixes innocence and experience to create a perfect personification of a young woman defining life in her own terms.

I am excited to see her performances in "Wall Street" and "Never Let Me Go". The Vogue article is exactly what I would love to write. It's intuitive and fresh. I have no idea how to get there, but maybe someday I will be able to write an article like that.

Aside from Carey's fantastic acting abilities, she is adorable. I love her hair. It makes me want to forgo growing mine out and chop it off instead. We'll see what I decide. I reside in limbo land. I cope by changing my hair. Perhaps if my outside reflects my instability things will be better. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm going to keep on trying...

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